Hey so you heard about the card game I am working on. NO!!!!!!!!! okay here is a link to learn more about my card game.
I made a card class to make cards for my game.
var Card =function(number,suite) { this.number=number this.suite=suite }
I also made a deck class to get the right cards and make a deck from those cards
var Deck = function(deckProperties) { this.cards=[] for(var suite in deckProperties) { var start=deckProperties[suite][0] var end=deckProperties[suite][1] while (start<end+1) { var card=new Card(start,suite) this.cards.push(card) start++ } } }
I am using deckProperties to get all the cards I need for the game and I use the card class to make the cards. Next, I pushed all the cards that I made into a list.
I made an object to get the right cards for my game
var dP={} dP.H=[7,14] dP.D=[8,14] dP.C=[8,14] dP.S=[7,14]
Create a new deck
var deck=new Deck(dP)
You can get the cards by writing deck.cards